- Cours (CM) 24h
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) -
- Travaux pratiques (TP) -
- Travail étudiant (TE) 12h
Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais
Niveau de l'enseignement : C1-Autonome - Utilisateur expérimenté
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
For geothermal exploitation, thermo-hydraulic transfer in geomaterials (soil or rock) under mechanical solicitation is an important geophysical study topic. The objective of this course is to introduce different numerical methods to simulate thermo-hydraulic transfer of a geothermal system considering mechanical conditions.
This module is devised by 3 parts:
At the end of this course, students will be familiarized with different modeling methods and able to simulate simple thermal-hydro-mechanical problems by using software like MatLab.
This module is devised by 3 parts:
- Thermal transfer with finite element method (12H)
- Thermo-hydraulic coupling with finite difference method (12H)
- Mechanical laoding condition with discrete elements method (12H)
At the end of this course, students will be familiarized with different modeling methods and able to simulate simple thermal-hydro-mechanical problems by using software like MatLab.
Compétences à acquérir
Thermo-hydro-mechanical numerical modeling of geomaterials
Hossein Nowamooz
Juan Carlos Quezada
Jian Lin