• Cours (CM) -
  • Cours intégrés (CI) -
  • Travaux dirigés (TD) 25h
  • Travaux pratiques (TP) -
  • Travail étudiant (TE) -

Langue de l'enseignement : Français

Enseignement proposé en : à distance

Description du contenu de l'enseignement

The objective of this course is to train students to develop attractive web content, using HTML5 and CSS3 styles, while respecting W3C standards, and with an emphasis on web semantics.

The HTML5 language, which seems easy to learn, is approached with semantics in mind. On the one hand, the semantic elements of the content, i.e. the choice of the HTML element according to what it must represent (a title, a paragraph), then, on the other hand, the semantic elements of the layout, i.e. the organization of the page with a header, a footer, a navigation bar, etc...
Then, the formatting of the web document using CSS3 styles will be discussed, focusing first on the content, then on the layout of the web document, using web design techniques that rely on the use of Grid and Flexbox properties.
Finally, we will study HTML forms, which allow interaction between the client, from his browser, and the web server.

Compétences à acquérir

  • create a web document with structured content and strong semantics
  • respect the W3C recommendations
  • apply the CSS rules, for a site adapted to mobile devices (Responsive design


Faculté des langues

22, rue René Descartes

Formulaire de contact


Renate De La Paix