- Cours (CM) 12h
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) 12h
- Travaux pratiques (TP) -
- Travail étudiant (TE) 36h
Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais
Enseignement proposé en : en présence
Niveau de l'enseignement : B2-Avancé - Utilisateur indépendant
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
This course covers 2 basic devices of analog electronics: the diode and the operational amplifier (OP-AMP).
Knowledge of the characteristics and behaviour of each of these devices makes it possible to integrate them, while combining them, into more complex circuits in order to achieve new electronic functions.
The main functionalities studied are in the area of rectifier (diodes), as well as various elementary function blocks based on OP-AMPS: amplifiers, filters, oscillators…
The devices and circuits will be studied during tutorials sessions, practical Work sessions, but also with an electronic circuit simulation software based on the SPICE engine.
We will focus on the characteristic of a diode and its operating point, its use in rectifying, filtering and voltage regulator, but also in various applications such as clipper circuits, voltage multiplier circuits,...
Next, we will focus on OP-AMPS basic assemblies: inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, different kind of filters (Rauch, Sallen-Key,..), comparator and Schmitt triggers, integrator, oscillators..., further combining these primary circuits to provide new analog functions.
Practical Work perfomed during "Physics lab training" sessions (physics 3&4): Diode Current - Voltage characteristics, load line analysis and operating point. Full wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filtering. Clipping circuit, voltage multiplier circuit (3h00).
Op-Amps circuits : inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, comparator and Schmitt trigger, precision rectifier (super diode), integrator, Wien bridge oscillator (3h00).
Knowledge of the characteristics and behaviour of each of these devices makes it possible to integrate them, while combining them, into more complex circuits in order to achieve new electronic functions.
The main functionalities studied are in the area of rectifier (diodes), as well as various elementary function blocks based on OP-AMPS: amplifiers, filters, oscillators…
The devices and circuits will be studied during tutorials sessions, practical Work sessions, but also with an electronic circuit simulation software based on the SPICE engine.
We will focus on the characteristic of a diode and its operating point, its use in rectifying, filtering and voltage regulator, but also in various applications such as clipper circuits, voltage multiplier circuits,...
Next, we will focus on OP-AMPS basic assemblies: inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, different kind of filters (Rauch, Sallen-Key,..), comparator and Schmitt triggers, integrator, oscillators..., further combining these primary circuits to provide new analog functions.
Practical Work perfomed during "Physics lab training" sessions (physics 3&4): Diode Current - Voltage characteristics, load line analysis and operating point. Full wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filtering. Clipping circuit, voltage multiplier circuit (3h00).
Op-Amps circuits : inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, comparator and Schmitt trigger, precision rectifier (super diode), integrator, Wien bridge oscillator (3h00).
Compétences à acquérir
At the end of this subject you will be able to :
- Design the schematic of simple electronic functions, then analyze the performance of the circuit (output signal in response to an applied input signal), such as rectifiers, operational amplifier circuits (amplifiers, filters, oscillators...), etc....
- Analyze circuits theoretically, but also by SPICE simulation algorithm and software, where the observation of signals at different nodes of the circuit will allow to understand how a circuit operates.
- COMMUNICATE use appropriate scientific language in English and/or French
- AUTONOMY work and act in autonomy
- BASIC KNOWLEDGE understand fundamental scientific principles of all fields of the speciality
- ANALYSIS analyze and solve problems spanning various fields of the speciality, solve any problem using algorithms
- EXPLOIT DATAS select, exploit and summarize scientific and/or bibliographical information
- PRACTICE implement experimental or practical protocols
Bibliographie, lectures recommandées
- Analog Electronics Author: Hickman, Ian Editor: Elsevier Science Year of publication:1999 Pages: 304 ISBN: 978-0-7506-4416-7
Pré-requis obligatoires
Electrokinetics, Ohm's law, voltage divider, Thevenin's theorem, ... are supposed to be known
Faculté de physique et ingénierie
3-5, rue de l'Université67084 STRASBOURG CEDEX
Formulaire de contact
Eric Christoffel
Shamil Gudavasov
Ali Huseyn Dovlatov
Eric Christoffel