Supply Chain Management

  • Cours (CM) 20h
  • Cours intégrés (CI) -
  • Travaux dirigés (TD) -
  • Travaux pratiques (TP) -
  • Travail étudiant (TE) 5h

Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais

Enseignement proposé en : en présence

Description du contenu de l'enseignement

Course will be based on the concepts, principles and strategies for managing supply chains in the manufacturing and service sectors. An overview of the terminology, fundamental concepts and functional scope of responsibility encountered in the field of supply chain and operations management will be covered.

Compétences à acquérir

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
- (level 1) Define the principal actors and functions in supply chain management
- (level 2) Describe the main missions and operations in supply chain management
- (level 1) Identify tools and concepts in SCM
- (level 4) Analyze the main issues regarding supply chain management


EM Strasbourg

61, avenue de la Forêt Noire
